This team of Canadian Money Experts will answer any questions you have about personal finances, government resources during the Covid-19 pandemic, and organizing your financial affairs. We will help you re-work your budget to include government benefits and minimize...
Upcoming Events Join me in Southern Ontario for talks about how to start your side-hustle, how to start investing, and how to properly budget. RSVP by clicking the event you want to attend. Most of these events are FREE or have a nominal fee. ethical investing pale...
it's time to finally get your finances in order Organize your budget, automate your savings, and finally open up your investing account. It’s so easy to put off managing your money. Now’s the time to tackle your to-do list and get your finances...
Buying my house was stressful. I was 24 years old, recently single, and had no idea what I was getting into. I knew I wanted my own place. I knew I wanted to live in downtown Hamilton. I didn’t know about bidding wars. I didn’t know about financing...
Buying a house can be daunting. Buying a house was the reason I started this blog. It’s the spark that ignited my passion for personal finance. In 2016, I bought my house in an extremely competitive housing market. I was rushing to my lawyer’s office on...
It’s winter in Canada. That means snowstorms, ice storms, frozen pipes, and hibernation for me. I work from home so staying inside all day is not new, but I’ve hit a new level of hibernation. There are days I haven’t left my house at all and there...
Disclaimer: I, Liz Enriquez am not a financial adviser, and I am not certified to give financial advice. I share my journey and hope to inspire millennials to take control of their personal finances.