Name: Tessa Meier
What is your business? Personalized Financial Services
What made you take the leap into entrepreneurship?
I originally approached this field as a client looking for options on how to get out of debt and start saving money. When I first met with a woman in the business, I saw the massive impact that she had made with countless families in their financial lives and that is what initially got me excited! There is SO much out there that traditional banks are just not teaching middle-market families!
Can you outline a basic timeline of how you got to where you are now?
I started my business back in 2015 where I began to learn the ropes through a co-op like structure. I met with families in my warm market and learned how to present critical yet simple financial concepts and form customized financial game plans. From there my business has blossomed over the last 3 years through word of mouth, expanding my clientele as well as the growth and distribution of the many services provided. I continue to train and develop brand new professionals within my business who, like me, had no prior experience in financial services.
Related post: How I got my first client as a freelancer
What is one of your biggest learning moments?
One of my greatest learning moments occurred along the way of building distribution. Becoming not just self-employed, but a leader amongst a team was a very different atmosphere for me. The toughest lesson that I needed to overcome was that not one person is the same, in the sense that we all respond differently to training and we all have different social styles. Initially, there were times of frustration while developing other future leaders who did not have the same learning style as I did. It felt as though I was hitting roadblocks and couldn’t understand how to continue moving forward with them. I began to start reading up on social styles and how to adjust my own depending on who I was working with in order to ensure their success. In doing so, I have seen great successes within my co-workers and have learned to be patient in the pursuit of others happiness!
Related post: Why I won’t quit my job despite “making it”
What are some of your favourite resources that you suggest to other ambitious adults?
Some of my favourite resources are the Investment Executive newsletter, financial literature such as “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, “Wealthing like Rabbits”, “The Wealthy Barber”, etc. and Success Magazine! (Their audio discs are also great). I am big on reading and recommend most any literature that also has to do with personal growth, a personal favourite is “Head Strong” by Dave Asprey.
Any final thoughts/advice to others who are interested in pursuing entrepreneurship?
From my experience – you will never know if you don’t try. If you are not happy with your job you MUST take the leap to try something new. I’m not saying quit your job today, but for all we know – this is it. This is the one life you were granted. Don’t let time slip through your fingers – it is your greatest asset! Make it your priority to pursue your passion whether it be part-time or full-time and live your best life.
Where can people learn more about your business?