3 Steps to be Financially Well-Off

After I bought my house and started blogging in May 2016, many of my friends were coming to me for advice on how to invest and save. They saw that I bought a house, backpacked around the world a few times, and graduated university debt-free. Truthfully, I am still...

How to overcome fear and get rewarded

My yoga studio is hosting a challenge with a focus on Abundance, we are encouraged to be aware and grateful so today, I reflected on how full my life is! I have a loving family, an amazing and supportive partner, great friends, a house, a steady job, and a successful...

Ambitious Traveler: Luca G #ambitiousadulting

Luca and I went to university together. We spent 1 summer working away in the G.I.S lab trying to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial data. It was as hard as it sounds (it was hard for me). After that class, I spent my days digging in mud...

Becoming a digital nomad

In 2016, I went on 3 out-of-the-country trips within 4 months.   Every single trip, people message me to ask if I am secretly rich. I wish the answer was yes. Every single trip, I reiterate how much I work, and that I love to stay busy. Eventually, I want my...
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