Ambitious Adult: Anthony Saleh

Ambitious Adult: Anthony Saleh

Anthony and I went to high school together. He’s a visionary, do-er and achiever. The Saleh’s were one of the only other ‘ethnic’ families in our high school, so naturally, we gravitated towards each other. I’ve seen Anthony’s...

Ambitious Traveler: Michelle Owens

Michelle and I went to high school together. I remember her as a go-getter and eager person and was always impressed by her drive and efficiency at such a young age. As drama club president, I once asked someone to make a card for a guest speaker and Michelle eagerly...

Superstar Millennial! Meet Brianna Elderhorst

Brianna and I have known each other for a few years now! I always knew Brianna was adventurous, but I had no idea the depth of her shenanigans! It just goes to show that everyone has a story to tell! It’s a great reminder to take time and ask about it. Name:...
Ambitious Traveler: Krista Muscarella

Ambitious Traveler: Krista Muscarella

Krista and I met in Fredonia, New York.  It was my first year of university, and I was coming to terms with letting go of the high school Liz. I remember pondering a lot during this year. What direction did I want to go? Krista and I were in an intensive leadership...
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