My sister, and my best friend! Featured Traveler: Kat

My sister, and my best friend! Featured Traveler: Kat

Around 10 years ago, I started Grade 9 in a new city. I didn’t know a lot of people in my high school but on the very first day of school, I heard the loudest and most contagious laugh. I turned around to find a little cutie and learned that her name was...
Celebrating My One Year Anniversary

Celebrating My One Year Anniversary

On May 25th 2016, I walked into my lawyer’s office, signed a bunch of paper work, handed over a bank draft with all of my money and got the keys to my house. It was a pretty surreal moment, though very anti-climatic. I did all of this on my lunch break so I had...

Meet my travel inspiration!

Gosia and I met in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. From the moment I met her, I knew she had a lot to teach me. She shared stories of traveling, hitchhiking alone, adventuring with strangers, and visiting incredible places. Gosia is someone who is ALWAYS exploring and I am...
I’ve passed up 2 free trips… #WHY!?

I’ve passed up 2 free trips… #WHY!?

Earlier this year, a friend won a free trip to Mexico and couldn’t find anyone to go with her. We were back and forth making plans and they fell through. In January, I was in the middle of a big project at my day-job and I couldn’t take time off. Passing...
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