This is a long post so brace yourself. Graduating debt-free is one of my greatest accomplishments, along with buying my house at 24. I’ve always been an annoying over-achiever, mainly because staying busy and reaching milestones is good for my mental health. I...
Jenna and I met in Hamilton. Two adventurous souls that crossed paths. Following her adventures is always inspiring and I am so happy to share her story. Name: Jenna What city do you call home? Burlington, Ontario What was a defining situation that made you decide to...
House hunting in Hamilton is cut throat! You need to be on your A-game, available, and ready to make quick decisions. Houses are getting snatched in days without home inspections and no conditions. What does this mean? When you buy a house, typically, you can ask for...
You might be thinking, woah, I am so far away from buying a house. That’s fine! If home ownership is a goal of yours, planning far in advance will save you so much trouble down the line. Buying my house was such a rushed patch-job but it all worked out because...
In 2012, I moved to Vancouver and lived there for 6 months. I took time off school and realized that I could make my own path and schedule. I didn’t need to stick to a standard time-frame and this was a defining moment that encouraged me to continue to travel. I...
It’s no secret that I LOVE to travel. I love meeting new people, seeing cool things, flying, seeing mountains and landscapes from above, and exploring. One of my biggest fears about buying the house was that I wouldn’t have time or money to travel. I...
Disclaimer: I, Liz Enriquez am not a financial adviser, and I am not certified to give financial advice. I share my journey and hope to inspire millennials to take control of their personal finances.