What a wild year! 2016 had lots of ups and downs. When I was down, I was really low! For a few months- my life felt like this: But I also made so many happy memories. As a positive person, I will write the highlights of the year I bought a house! This entire blog is...
Growing up, I used to think everyone else had it all. Some of my friends were stunning, athletic, intelligent, responsible, fun and had cool parents. It seemed like they were literally perfect humans, and I wanted to be like them. Over the years, I’ve come to...
I make it a point to travel to at least 3 countries or destinations a year. This is a goal I’ve had since I first started traveling when I was 17. Naturally, people are curious and want to know how I do it! These are the frequently asked questions I get about...
Travelling is a priority to me. I try to travel as much as possible because life is too short, and the world is so big. There’s so much to see, so much to experience and I don’t want to waste my time on earth. Finding my travel style has been an...
3 words –> I have anxiety. Seriously, though who doesn’t? The first time I had an anxiety attack, I was in grade 12, thinking about going to university and wondering how I was going to afford it. I stopped breathing, and legitimately thought I was...
For the last 6 years, I’ve left the country at least once a year. It’s an expensive hobby, but the travel bug is real! I’ve adjusted my lifestyle so that I can afford to have a travel fund. (This is one reason I don’t have a car.) After buying...
Disclaimer: I, Liz Enriquez am not a financial adviser, and I am not certified to give financial advice. I share my journey and hope to inspire millennials to take control of their personal finances.