DIY investing vs. Investing on auto-pilot *This post contains affiliate links Many people want to invest, especially when they learn about compound interest, putting their money to work, and the historical average returns of some of the major benchmarks like the...
Are online banks safe? Online banks have lots of perks. Most notably, online banks have less overhead fees because they often don’t have physical locations to serve customers. There are no tellers or branches so everything is done online. For a socially anxious...
People ask me every day, “How did you start investing?” “How can I start investing?” They tell me, “I’m scared of losing money” “I don’t know where to start” “I don’t know where to learn”...
Real estate during covid? Join Liz Enriquez online as she interviews three real estate professionals with questions about what COVID-19 means for first-time homebuyers, investors, and Canadians in general. The online panel discussion will take place on Monday...
This team of Canadian Money Experts will answer any questions you have about personal finances, government resources during the Covid-19 pandemic, and organizing your financial affairs. We will help you re-work your budget to include government benefits and minimize...
We’re in 2020… why are you still paying monthly fees for your bank accounts? $10/month or more really adds up!? Take a look: 1 year of bank fees at $10/month = $120 10 years of bank fees at $10/month = $1200 Don’t you have better things to use that...
Disclaimer: I, Liz Enriquez am not a financial adviser, and I am not certified to give financial advice. I share my journey and hope to inspire millennials to take control of their personal finances.