Ambitious Adult: @buddahabusah

Buddah Abusah is a rapper, songwriter and producer born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He delivers a style that represents all people who believe in peace, love and equality. And honestly, we need more of that in the world. I had a chance to catch up...
Places I’ve Been

Places I’ve Been

Every time I see people traveling, I get so jealous. But then I have to check myself. I don’t want to be jealous. I want to be happy for them. It’s important for me to remember not to compare myself to others and to reflect on my abundant life. Exploring...

Who is the Ambitious Adult?

Thanks for stopping by! I’m Liz! A 20-something year old, independent lady trying to be a responsible adult. I started blogging in May 2016 after purchasing my home. It was then when I realized how little I knew about life and money and I was determined to learn...

Personal Finance for Absolute Beginners

It’s never too early to learn about personal finance. This means learning about budgets, investing, credit cards, interest, and saving. While it might seem complicated to understand complex terms and theories, the fundamentals of personal finance are simple....
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